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MPS Pain Therapy

MPS Therapy is the application of the Dolphin Neurostim to therapeutically integrative protocols. MPS applies brief, concentrated DC microcurrent impulses to specific treatment points to relax muscles, calm the nervous system and release endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. When MPS is applied to pathology influencing all three systems — nervous, muscular and endocrine — making MPS therapy effective for treating many chronic and acute soft-tissue pain conditions.

Chronic Pain and the Autonomous Nervous System

The key to the treatment of almost all chronic pain syndromes in patients is the deregulation (or calming) of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and the release of physical/mental blockages, which seem to keep the ANS in “high” drive. Upregulation of the ANS (also called hypersensitivity), may be caused by nerve root entrapment (radiculopathy), misalignment of the spine or mandible, emotional stress such as anxiety/depression or scars that energetically influence the ANS.

Whatever the primary cause, the patient displays hypertonic muscles and is hypersensitive with tender trigger points and chronic pain.

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The Parasympathetic “calming” points for the Nervous System

There are several well-known potent parasympathetic acupuncture points located on the wrists and top of the head that significantly calm the patient, reduce muscular tension and permit deeper tissue work without the patient guarding. Applying MPS Therapy to select calming points in the wrist/ankles can significantly relax the nervous system and reduce patient pain levels. Countless pain patients have reported elimination of all their pain symptoms with this step.

Scar Release Therapy/ Neural Therapy

Scar Release therapy (SRT) is a technique that involves applying MPS Therapy to each side of visible scars with microcurrent therapy to “repolarize” the local tissue and release fascia and muscles influenced by the scar. This technique should not be underestimated in its potency. Releasing scars that influence the pain site can sometimes be the single most important factor in the treatment of chronic pain.

Spine & Radiculopathy (Nerve Root Entrapment)

Entrapment of the nerve root can/will have significant influence on or cause pain along the nerve pathways (dermatome). Nerve roots get pinched when the paraspinal muscles shorten and compress the roots. This is often due to poor lifestyle, ergonomics, traumatic injuries or congenital factors. The tissues and organs innervated by that nerve root will be adversely effected and will abnormally function on a proportional basis. Applying MPS Therapy to the muscles on each side of a pinched nerve will immediately relax the paraspinal muscles and “release” the nerve root entrapment providing significant relief to the patient.

Structural Re-Alignment of the Sacrum and Spine

The sacrum, which sits at the base of the spine, is the foundation of your spine. The spine influences many pain conditions. If the sacrum is out of alignment, the spine will be as well.

The sacrum projects significant influence on the pain cycle as it directly influences the parasympathetic nervous system, which counteracts the pain cycle (sympathetic nervous system). Many chronic disorders such as back pain, knee pain and fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue, to name just a few, have significant pain origins in the spine/sacrum. Relaxing the muscles in the lower back and around the sacrum help “realign” the sacrum and can produce immense long-term benefits to the pain patient. As a rule of thumb, all pain patients, regardless of conditions or symptoms, should have their lower back and buttocks (piriformis and gluteus medius muscles) treated & released via stretching & MPS Therapy.

Distal Acupuncture Points for Pain Relief

Points in the hands and arms provide significant influence on pain located in the head and facial regions. Distal acupoints have an especially potent influence on proximal chronic pain. Applying MPS Therapy to these points can provide for immense relief of pain.

MPS is published
to be effective for:

Back Pain (JACIM)
Neck Pain (JCAM)
Body-wide Pain (Med Acup)
Post-Surgical Pain (IJCAM)

MPS Therapy is Trusted by 60,000+ Professionals Around The World

“Due to an unfortunate accident, I was left unbearable nerve pain for several months that manual therapy was not relieving… after 1 MPS scar session my pain went from 9/10 to a 2/10 … quite amazing!

James Waslaski LMT – Author, Educator

Dolphin is the only modality I have used where you literally see the tissues change during treatment”. Dr G Arrijo MD

Try MPS Therapy Today

Take charge of your clients, children and yourself! Dolphin stress-reduction could possibly be the answer you are looking to help with your pain and stress. Order your own Dolphin’s today to reduce stress and activate healing in your life!

Purchase the Dolphin Pro Scar Release Kit

Dolphin Neurostim comes with carry case, and 55 page protocol manual to assist in application.

Purchase the Dolphin Pro Pain Management  Kit

Dolphin Neurostim comes with carry case, and 55 page protocol manual to assist in application.

Related Online CE Seminars

Intro to MPS Pain Therapy Seminar

Advanced Scar Release Seminar

Auricular Ear Therapy Seminar