Finally a course for the treatment of migraines, headaches and disorders surrounding the TMJ. All the important and effective key acupuncture/trigger points anatomically located (and corrected) for the treatment of headaches, migraines and TMD head pain.
Local points in the face, neck and shoulders will be identified along with distal points which strongly influence these conditions. ANS deregulation and integration into energetic flows will be examined and correlated to instructed points. Neural therapy and energy disruption theories influencing headaches and TMD disorders will also be discussed and demonstrated on participants.
Mandibular joint articulations will be discussed and correlated to posture and sacral positioning. Realignment techniques will be instructed and demonstrated. The strong effect the jaw has on the lower limbs will be discussed in details. This outside-the-box protocol with delightfully surprise even the hard core manual sports therapists!
This course is a must for therapists looking for additional benefits with patients suffering from headaches/migraines and TMD disorders.
Course Objectives:
- The key points for headache and TMD patients
- The physical signs of neuropathy for chronic head, neck, and face pain
- How to incorporate scar (neural) therapy for headache and TMD protocols
- How to develop protocols for headaches and TMD
- Release the psoas and piriformis through the ear
- Learn the spine and major organs in ear
- Master points for patient health
- Excellent for homecare therapists
16 Contact Hours. Click here to see our Board approvals.
Course Requirements
Please dress comfortably and bring a massage table if convenient to do so.
Course Policies
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Course Schedule and Registration
There are no Cranio-Headache courses scheduled at this time.
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