Event Type 2 Jessica Underwood
05Apr(Apr 5)8:30 AM06(Apr 6)5:00 PMIntro to MPS Pain Therapy - North Hollywood, CA - April 5-6, 2025
Register Now!
Course Overview
In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) Therapy, considered the “ultimate pain therapy” by over 40,000 therapists and physicians. You will learn
Course Overview
In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) Therapy, considered the “ultimate pain therapy” by over 40,000 therapists and physicians. You will learn how to significantly relief patient pain, PLUS save wear and tear on your hands and body PLUS reduce or eliminate your own pain from course labs! This FDA approved therapy is the perfect complement to massage therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy and other types of natural, holistic and drug-free approaches to pain relief.
Early Bird Special: Save 10%! Register today to enjoy our Early Bird pricing and get $499.00 course for just $449.10! Hurry, this offer ends on Friday, March 21, 2025. Don’t miss out on this fantastic discount—secure your spot now!
Maximum students – 20
Check the CE accreditations of MPS courses here: https://mpscourses.com/ce-accreditations/
For our cancellation policy, please visit this link: https://mpscourses.com/policies/
Instructor Name: Jessica Underwood
Jessica Underwood is a paid instructor for Acumed Medical Ltd
Education and prerequisites: Beginner/Introductory, no prequisites required
Approved Provider: Acumed Medical Ltd, ph: 1-800-859-8869, email: info@dolphinmps.com
Special Needs Request – please contact us (see above) to make arrangements
Instructional Methods – lecture, demos, hands on labs, Q&A
5 (Saturday) 8:30 AM - 6 (Sunday) 5:00 PM
Course Location
Southern California Health Institute
5644 Vineland Ave, North Hollywood, CA 91601, United States
Course Times
8.30 am – 5.00 pm
Jessica Underwood Kallio
05Apr(Apr 5)8:30 AM06(Apr 6)5:00 PMIntro to MPS Pain Therapy - North Hollywood, CA - April 5-6, 2025
Register Now!
Course Overview
In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) Therapy, considered the “ultimate pain therapy” by over 40,000 therapists and physicians. You will learn
Course Overview
In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) Therapy, considered the “ultimate pain therapy” by over 40,000 therapists and physicians. You will learn how to significantly relief patient pain, PLUS save wear and tear on your hands and body PLUS reduce or eliminate your own pain from course labs! This FDA approved therapy is the perfect complement to massage therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy and other types of natural, holistic and drug-free approaches to pain relief.
Maximum students – 6
Check the CE accreditations of MPS courses here: https://mpscourses.com/ce-accreditations/
For our cancellation policy, please visit this link: https://mpscourses.com/policies/
Instructor Name: Jessica Underwood
Jessica Underwood is a paid instructor for Acumed Medical Ltd
Education and prerequisites: Beginner/Introductory, no prequisites required
Approved Provider: Acumed Medical Ltd, ph: 1-800-859-8869, email: info@dolphinmps.com
Special Needs Request – please contact us (see above) to make arrangements
Instructional Methods – lecture, demos, hands on labs, Q&A
5 (Saturday) 8:30 AM - 6 (Sunday) 5:00 PM
Course Location
Southern California Health Institute
5644 Vineland Ave, North Hollywood, CA 91601, United States
Course Times
8.30 am – 5.00 pm
Jessica Underwood Kallio
31May01JuneMPS Scar Release Therapy - Edmonton, Ab - May 31- June1 , 2025
Register Now!
Course Overview
Scar Release Therapy (SRT) increases skin’s inter-cellular metabolism, protein synthesis and healing functioning to accelerate tissue healing. This simple procedure works
Course Overview
Scar Release Therapy (SRT) increases skin’s inter-cellular metabolism, protein synthesis and healing functioning to accelerate tissue healing. This simple procedure works by reducing dermal trauma, adhesions and fascia restrictions – proven to deliver an eye-popping 73.2-82.5% body-wide pain relief after a single application. (IJCAM 2017, JICM 2019)
This 2-day seminar discovers the key “tricks of the trade” developed in over 30 years of instructing Integrative therapy to over 60,000 physicians and therapists worldwide. Beneficial for all therapists.
Evidenced-based! Learn the science behind HRV vagal tone and how to enhance these markers which are critical to cancer survival.
MPS Seminar Learning Overview:
- Science behind HRV, vagal tone, and exercise tolerance
- How ECG markers relate to cancer survival
- Key acupuncture & mTP’s for Stress/Pain relief
- Learn to quickly reduce post-mastectomy pain syndrome
- Learn emotional release techniques for breast cancer
- Learn scar release techniques specific for breast cancer
- Learn to double functional post-mastectomy outcomes
Postpartum Care: This new C-section Scar Therapy was a game-changer for me. View article at https://www.todaysparent.com/baby/postpartum-care/cesarean-scar-release-therapy/
After SRT, the denser areas of the scar were detectably smaller.. and the ridge above the scar was 90 per cent smoothed out. Lifting my daughter out of her crib no longer puts strain on my back, and my body feels like my body again!
C. PERCY-BEAUREGARD – Writer for Today’s Parent (view article)
Early Bird Special: Save 10%! Register today to enjoy our Early Bird pricing and get $599.00 course for just $539.10! Hurry, this offer ends on May 17, 2025. Don’t miss out on this fantastic discount—secure your spot now!
Maximum students: 13
Check the CE accreditations of MPS courses here: https://mpscourses.com/ce-accreditations/
For our cancellation policy, please visit this link: https://mpscourses.com/policies/
Instructor Name: Jessica Underwood
Jessica Underwood is a paid instructor for Acumed Medical Ltd
Education and prerequisites: Beginner/Introductory, no prerequisites required, but the Intro course is recommended
Approved Provider: Acumed Medical Ltd, ph: 1-800-859-8869, email: info@dolphinmps.com
Special Needs Request – please contact us (see above) to make arrangements
Instructional Methods – lecture, demos, hands on labs, Q&A
May 31 (Saturday) 8:30 am - June 1 (Sunday) 5:00 pm
Course Location
Alberta College of Massage Therapy
4656 99 St NW Edmonton, AB T6E 5H5
Jessica Underwood
31May01JuneMPS Scar Release Therapy - Edmonton, Ab - May 31- June1 , 2025
Register Now!
Course Overview
Scar Release Therapy (SRT) increases skin’s inter-cellular metabolism, protein synthesis and healing functioning to accelerate tissue healing. This simple procedure works
Course Overview
Scar Release Therapy (SRT) increases skin’s inter-cellular metabolism, protein synthesis and healing functioning to accelerate tissue healing. This simple procedure works by reducing dermal trauma, adhesions and fascia restrictions – proven to deliver an eye-popping 73.2-82.5% body-wide pain relief after a single application. (IJCAM 2017, JICM 2019)
This 2-day seminar discovers the key “tricks of the trade” developed in over 30 years of instructing Integrative therapy to over 60,000 physicians and therapists worldwide. Beneficial for all therapists.
Evidenced-based! Learn the science behind HRV vagal tone and how to enhance these markers which are critical to cancer survival.
MPS Seminar Learning Overview:
- Science behind HRV, vagal tone, and exercise tolerance
- How ECG markers relate to cancer survival
- Key acupuncture & mTP’s for Stress/Pain relief
- Learn to quickly reduce post-mastectomy pain syndrome
- Learn emotional release techniques for breast cancer
- Learn scar release techniques specific for breast cancer
- Learn to double functional post-mastectomy outcomes
Postpartum Care: This new C-section Scar Therapy was a game-changer for me. View article at https://www.todaysparent.com/baby/postpartum-care/cesarean-scar-release-therapy/
After SRT, the denser areas of the scar were detectably smaller.. and the ridge above the scar was 90 per cent smoothed out. Lifting my daughter out of her crib no longer puts strain on my back, and my body feels like my body again!
C. PERCY-BEAUREGARD – Writer for Today’s Parent (view article)
Early Bird Special: Save 10%! Register today to enjoy our Early Bird pricing and get $599.00 course for just $539.10! Hurry, this offer ends on May 17, 2025. Don’t miss out on this fantastic discount—secure your spot now!
Maximum students: 13
Check the CE accreditations of MPS courses here: https://mpscourses.com/ce-accreditations/
For our cancellation policy, please visit this link: https://mpscourses.com/policies/
Instructor Name: Jessica Underwood
Jessica Underwood is a paid instructor for Acumed Medical Ltd
Education and prerequisites: Beginner/Introductory, no prerequisites required, but the Intro course is recommended
Approved Provider: Acumed Medical Ltd, ph: 1-800-859-8869, email: info@dolphinmps.com
Special Needs Request – please contact us (see above) to make arrangements
Instructional Methods – lecture, demos, hands on labs, Q&A
May 31 (Saturday) 8:30 am - June 1 (Sunday) 5:00 pm
Course Location
Alberta College of Massage Therapy
4656 99 St NW Edmonton, AB T6E 5H5
Jessica Underwood