Step 5: Move Lymph & Circulation Upwards

St 44 - WATER POINT STOMACH MERIDIAN St 44 pushes circulation upwards to the heart. This point clears heat and fire in the stomach and regulates body-wide qi. It is helpful [...]

Step 5: Move Lymph & Circulation Upwards2024-06-25T09:51:27-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

Back Shu Points: Located 2 fingers width to each side of the spine, at the level of the lower border of the spinal bones. GB 20: Found at the base of the skull, in the [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T14:49:04-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

P8: Located on the palm side of the hand, in the center of the palm, between the second and third metacarpal bones. P8 is believed to help relieve acute wrist pain and promote circulation in [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T14:45:30-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

LI 4: Located on the back of the hand between the thumb and index finger. Stimulating LI 4 is believed to help relieve pain and inflammation associated with trigger thumb. LI 5: Found in the [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T14:40:35-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

TW 1: Located at the outer base of the ring finger. TW 1 is believed to regulate Qi flow in the head and ears and may help alleviate symptoms of tinnitus. TW 3: Located on [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T14:35:58-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

SI 17: Located above the prominent neck muscle, at the level of the corner jaw. This point is believed to help regulate thyroid function by balancing the flow of Qi (energy) in the neck area. [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T14:29:40-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

Si 17: Located above the prominent neck muscle, at the level of the corner of the jaw. Si 17 is believed to regulate the function of the thyroid gland and balance thyroid hormone levels. Li [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T14:19:11-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

Back Shu Points: Located 2 fingers width to each side of the spine, at the level of the lower border of the spinal bones. Gv 4: Located along the spine below the 2nd lumbar vertebrae. [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T14:13:09-04:00
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