Detailed Point Descriptions

Lu 5: Located on the elbow crease to the outside of the biceps tendon. Lu 5 is associated with promoting the circulation of Qi and blood in the arm, potentially aiding in the relief of [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T14:08:30-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

Gv 4: Located on the lower back, Gv 4 is associated with promoting the circulation of Qi and blood in the lower body, potentially addressing pain and discomfort in the thigh region. B 52: Situated [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T14:04:40-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

Back Shu Points: Located 2 fingers width to each side of the spine, at the level of the lower border of the spinal bones. Gb 20: Below the base of the skull, in the [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T13:56:10-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

H7: Located on the ulnar side wrist crease, at the proximal base of the retinaculum, to the thumb side of the flexor carpi tendon. Known as the "Spirit Gate," H7 is believed to calm the [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T13:46:21-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

Back Shu Points: Located 2 fingers width to each side of the spine, at the level of the lower border of the spinal bones. GV 4: Located on the lower back, below the 2nd lumbar [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T13:12:33-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

H 7: Located on the inner wrist, H 7 is known as the "Spirit Gate." It is traditionally used to calm the mind, reduce anxiety, and promote restful sleep. Stimulating this point may help address [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T13:06:47-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

LI 4: Located on the back of the hand between the thumb and index finger, LI 4 is a versatile point used for various conditions, including sinus congestion. It is believed to help open the [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T12:59:51-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

ST 35: This acupoint is situated on the depression below the kneecap, on the outside of the patella ligament. ST 35 is often used to address pain and stiffness in the lower limbs. By promoting [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T12:54:26-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

TW 14: TW 14 is known for its role in addressing shoulder pain and tension. Acupuncturists may use this point to promote the flow of Qi and Blood in the shoulder area, helping to [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T12:52:45-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

Back Shu Points: These are located on the back, along the Bladder meridian, corresponding to specific organs. They are associated with tonifying and balancing the energy of the corresponding organs. Located 2 fingers width to [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T12:40:07-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

H7: Found at the wrist crease, on the palm side of the hand, just beside the tendon of the little finger. Shenmen, translating to "Spirit Gate," is renowned for its calming effect on the mind [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T12:33:53-04:00
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