Detailed Point Descriptions

St 36: Four finger-widths below the kneecap, one finger-width from the anterior crest of the tibia. St 36 is a powerful point for boosting overall energy, strengthening the immune system, and promoting digestion. It is [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T12:25:37-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

Back Shu Points: These points, corresponding to the bladder meridian, are used to balance and tonify specific organs by stimulating points along the back. Located 2 fingers width to each side of the spine, at [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T12:17:21-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

Si 18: On the face, anterior to the ear, in the depression just below the zygomatic arch. Si 18 is often used for conditions related to the face, jaw, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. Gb [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T12:10:47-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

Li 11: Located at the outer end of the elbow crease, this point is often used for promoting the flow of Qi and relieving pain in the upper body. Li 5: Found on the dorsum [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T12:03:25-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

Gv 26: Located between the upper lip and the nose, Gv 26 is known for its role in balancing energy flow. In the context of a prolapsed disc, stimulating this point may help improve circulation [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T11:57:32-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

ST 36: Four finger-widths below the kneecap, one finger-width to the outside of the shinbone. Known as the "Leg Three Miles," ST 36 is believed to strengthen the body, improve digestion, and boost overall [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T11:52:38-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

Back Shu Points: Stimulating Back Shu Points associated with relevant organs can help balance energy and promote overall well-being. Located 2 fingers width to each side of the spine, at the level of the lower [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T11:33:14-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

Si 18: Located on the face, Si 18 is associated with addressing facial issues and may be considered in the context of peripheral neuropathy. Gb 3: Positioned on the head, Gb 3 is believed to [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T11:41:10-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

SP 6: Located on the inner side of the leg, about three thumb-widths above the ankle bone, SP 6 is believed to help balance energy flow and alleviate pelvic discomfort. K 3: Situated on the [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T11:28:11-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

St 34: On the thigh, just below the kneecap, one finger's width lateral to the lower edge of the patella. Known to address knee pain and promote joint health. Extra 31: On the midline of [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T11:21:10-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

Si 3: At the ulnar end of the transverse crease of the dorsum of the hand, in the depression proximal to the head of the fifth metacarpal bone. Si 3 is known to clear heat, [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T11:12:32-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

P 6: On the inner forearm, approximately three finger-widths above the wrist crease. It's between the two tendons. Known as the Neiguan point, it is widely used to alleviate nausea and vomiting. [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T11:09:22-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

H7: On the palm side of the wrist, at the crease, in line with the little finger. Used for various heart-related issues, emotional balance, and calming the mind. GB 34: On [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T10:54:52-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

B 57: Located in the crease of the buttocks, B 57, or Chengshan, is an acupuncture point known for supporting leg health. Stimulating this point may help alleviate muscle cramps and enhance overall leg function. [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T11:04:41-04:00

Detailed Point Descriptions

Back Shu Points: These points along the spine are associated with specific organs. Stimulation of Back Shu points related to the nervous system and immune function may aim to support overall balance and vitality. Located [...]

Detailed Point Descriptions2024-05-09T10:49:07-04:00
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